SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD: The Story of the Southern California Youth Chorale

The Story of the Southern California Youth Chorale

Small Title

In the 60s and 70s, the Vietnam War and the Cold War raged on and it seemed like the world could come to an end at any time. The teenagers of the day had decided to tune in, turn on and drop out with drugs and the counter culture. K. Gene Simmonds, a high school music teacher, had a hard time trying to make his students care about the rest of the world, preferring to stay snug in their own little corner of California. But he was determined that he could make a difference in some lives if he could open their minds to the wonders of travel.
Gene started the Southern California Youth Chorale in 1965, at the height of the hippie zeitgeist. He had incredibly high standards and would only accept the best and the brightest, molding his Honor Choir into a group that could not only bring Americana music to other countries but, also expose his students to learning about other languages and cultures as well.
Some of Gene’s colleagues thought traveling overseas with teenagers was madness, but he knew, if he picked the right ones with positive attitudes, ready to challenge themselves and open to exploring the unknown, they would work together toward the goal of professional musical excellence.
Over the years, the Southern California Youth Chorale traveled to 27 different countries on four continents over a twelve-year period. Some countries visited, like the Republic of China, Taiwan, East Berlin and Russia, were the realization of an almost impossible dream.
Extensive plane flights, arduous bus rides, new cuisines, visiting museums and attending cultural performances, all while performing and living together formed the group into its own unique family that keeps many of them reuniting to this day.
This film interviews several alumni to find out how they think their lives were impacted by being a member of this group. What opportunities were opened up with this experience and what is life like in the present day looking back on that time? Lives were enriched, confidences built, friendships and relationships sealed and memories cherished that have lasted a lifetime.